Contact ReviewTrackers support to have them enable the SSO Feature for your account.
Upon enabling the feature, you’ll be asked for:
- An Identity Provider URL (If known)
- An Identity Provider Public Certificate
- An Exported copy of the Metadata XML file.
And will be given:
- The ReviewTrackers SAML Login URL
- The ReviewTrackers SAML Consume URL
- The ReviewTrackers Public Certificate (If your IdP requires one)
More on the Prerequisites:
Identity Provider URL: Upon clicking a link to sign into ReviewTrackers, users will be redirected to this URL to verify their identity. Once they’ve signed in, the user will be redirected into ReviewTrackers.
Identity Provider Public Certificate: This is an X.509 certificate supplied by the Identity Provider (IdP) that is used to encrypt communication from the IdP to ReviewTrackers. The certificate generally starts with: ----- BEGIN CERTIFICATE -----
ReviewTrackers SAML Login URL: This is the url that you can add to your Intranet to initiate the process of granting a user access to ReviewTrackers. After clicking a link to this url, the user will be redirected to the Identity Provider URL.
ReviewTrackers SAML Consume URL: When configuring your IdP, you’ll need to set this URL as the location to redirect users after they’ve been identified.
- ReviewTrackers Public Certificate: In some cases IdPs require an additional “trust” to be established for the communication from ReviewTrackers to the IdP. In this case the ReviewTrackers Public Certificate is used to encrypt communication from ReviewTrackers to the IdP. This certificate also generally starts with: ----- BEGIN CERTIFICATE -----
Authentication Flows
There are two ways to set up SSO with ReviewTrackers - Service Provider or Identity Provider.
Service Provider Set Up: If you have your identity provider url, you will follow the steps outlined for the Service Provider set up.
1. Login to ReviewTrackers: Click the ReviewTrackers login link to be redirected to your identity provider login to verify their identity. Once they've signed in, the user will be redirected into ReviewTrackers.
2. Access your Identity Provider: Login to your identity provider. This action will send a request with the necessary information to ReviewTrackers via the consume url.
3. User Confirmation: ReviewTrackers will confirm whether the user is a member of the targeted ReviewTrackers account.
4. Success: If the user is confirmed to be a member of the targeted ReviewTrackers account, the user will be directed into ReviewTrackers.
Identity Provider Set Up: If you are unable to provide ReviewTrackers with your Identity Provide url, you will follow the steps outlined for the Identity Provider set up:
1. Access your Identity Provider: Login to your identity provider. This action will send a request with the necessary information to ReviewTrackers via the consume url.
2. User Confirmation: ReviewTrackers will confirm whether the user is a member of the targeted ReviewTrackers account.
3. Success: If the user is confirmed to be a member of the targeted ReviewTrackers account, the user will be directed into ReviewTrackers.