Download the ReviewTrackers Mobile App to track trends, monitor reviews and ask for reviews on the go!
The Mobile App can be downloaded at the following links:
To log in, simply use your ReviewTrackers username and password. There are 3 primary components to the mobile application:
Here you can check out graphs for total reviews and average ratings. Graphs are responsive, so dragging your finger over them will show the corresponding data points
Reviews Tab:
This area provides a running list of all of your reviews. You can filter by date, ratings, status, and source. Within each review you can update the status and write notes to collaborators.
You can customize which notifications you would like by going to “Settings” → “Notifications”.
Ask Tab:
Launch a mobile-friendly version of the Kiosk Mode page, allowing you to capture customer information directly at the point of sales or service.
Feedback and bugs can be sent to our product team via the app by going to “Settings” → “Leave Us Feedback”.