Think of the performance score like a credit score. Scores are used as a benchmark to help you easily understand the health of your locations, and the details that go into that score give you specific insights into how we can improve it. All customers will have access to this valuable feature!
To access these scores, click Location Performance tab on the left side of the screen.
You can see the Performance Score Breakdown Table on this page.
To view how the score compares to previous performance data, you can toggle on that feature above the table on the right side.
If you’d like to see how the score is weighted, click on the info tip.
You will see your top 10 performing locations ranked by score on your dashboard for a quick look at which places are at the top of the chart.
Additionally, on the Dashboard, you will see the aggregate performance score of the locations selected for the given date range. Clicking on the score will link to the location performance detail page, where all filters will be carried over.
Review Detail Page
You will also see the performance score when responding to reviews so that you have immediate context for how much it matters to address the current review you are reading. The score for each location will be for all sources, no matter which source the review is from, spanning the past six months.
Performance Score FAQs
Q: How is the new Performance Score being calculated?
A: The weighting breakdowns will be provided in the info-tip, which will help you quickly see the significance of each metric.
Q: Why is there a combined score for ‘Response Rate and Time’?
A: Since responding and doing so quickly are targeting the same goal, these metrics are combined as a single score, even though you can see the breakdown in the Performance table. ‘Response Rate and Time.’
Q:What is the logic driving the weighting decisions?
A: Weighting is based on the decision-making factors that your prospects would likely consider when evaluating whether or not to visit a location and its level of importance.
Q:Does location score utilize industry benchmarks in any way?
A: Average rating and review volume are normalized based on vertical, but not ‘Response Rate and Time’. We plan to explore leveraging benchmarks for this sub-score in the future.
Q:How often do scores update?
A: Scores are calculated in real-time based on the filters you apply.
Q: How often do scoring benchmarks update?
A: Yearly.
Q:What filters are being applied to the score on the Review Details Pages?
A: The score is for all sources for the location the review is for, filtered to the past six months. Filtering on the reviews page will not impact this. We want you to understand how your locations perform, what levers influence that score, and by how much.
Q:Above the dashboard graphs, there is an aggregate score. Is it an average of location averages or just an overall average of all data for all locations?
A: Overall average. The same as how we handle our metrics currently.
If you have any additional questions on this feature, or would like a walkthrough, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager.