Here at ReviewTrackers, we want to make things easy. Like having all your reviews in one convenient location, but maybe your Facebook reviews aren't showing up. There could be a few reasons why your Facebook reviews are not showing in your ReviewTrackers dashboard. Below you'll find a few potential fixes to this problem.
1. Is ReviewTrackers monitoring your accurate Facebook business page?
Make sure we’re monitoring your Facebook’s local business page. To do this, follow these simple steps:
1. Select “Settings” in the lower left hand corner.
2. Then select “Locations & Groups” and click on the location listing for which you expected to see Facebook reviews.
3. Click on "Review Sources," this will generate the review sites and profile URLs that we’re monitoring. Scroll down to Facebook and make sure a URL is listed and that it takes you to the reviews portion of your Facebook business page.
All URLs need to have the below URL formatting, ending with /reviews in order for us to collect your reviews!
If the URL is not listed, or takes you to the wrong business page, send an email to with the correct profile URL.
If the URL is listed and takes you to the correct business page, it’s possible that your page settings have restrictions in place and blocking our system from pulling reviews.
Is your Facebook business page public?
In order for ReviewTrackers to monitor your Facebook business reviews, your page must be public. Follow the below steps to ensure your page is public:
1. First, logout of Facebook.
2. Enter your Facebook URL, do you receive a page similar to the one in the image below?
This means that your page is not public. Follow the below steps to adjust the settings:
1. Login as a the Facebook business page admin
2. Click on “Settings” and the “General” tab.
3. Edit your “Country Restrictions” and “Age Restrictions” to make sure they say “Page is shown to everyone.”
Pro Tip: We realize that some bars and restaurants have their “Age Restrictions” set up to 21+. Unfortunately, if this is the case, ReviewTrackers is unable to collect your new reviews *Unless you're Facebook integrated (Google & Facebook Integrations Training)!
Once you’ve updated the settings and removed the restrictions, double-check to make sure the page is now public when you log out. Then email so that we can refresh your Facebook URL in our system and start collecting the historical reviews.
Note: It can take up to 48 hours for our system to refresh and collect the historical reviews.
Hopefully one of this guide has fixed the problem, but if you have any questions or run into a snag, our Customer Success Team is here and happy to help! Email