Quickly understand your competition’s reputation and gain a strategic market advantage with ReviewTrackers Competitor Report.
Visualize and compare historical performance across average rating and total reviews on a location-by-location basis.
Below you’ll find an overview of FAQs and answers the Competitor Report:
Is there an additional cost for this feature?
Depending on your ReviewTrackers subscription, the Competitor Report might be an add-on feature with an additional cost.
If you’re unsure if it’s included in your subscription, email your customer success manager via support@reviewtrackers.com to learn more.
How many locations can you track at any given time?
You can track each of your locations in ReviewTrackers!
How many competitors can you track at any given time?
Track up to 10 competitors for each location that you track in ReviewTrackers.
Can I add any source (i.e. Google, Yelp, etc.) that I want?
Currently; Google, Yelp and Tripadvisor are available sources.
Are there any geographical limitations to the locations I pick as competitors?
Nope! As long as there is a Google My Business (GMB) page for the business you are interested in tracking as a location, it can be added. There are no geographic limitations.
How long will it take for data to populate?
If not immediate, competitor data will take roughly 15 minutes to be available.
Who can add Competitors?